~~ My Granny ~~
As Granny lay upon her bed, I knew that she was dying,
And all I could do was hold her hand while I stood there softly crying.
She asked for a drink of water which I gently placed to her lips,
Then to sleep she seemed to go as I felt her cooling fingertips.
As each breath she drew brought her closer to the ending of her days,
I remembered all of her tenderness and her loving, caring ways.
This gracious woman who wore her silver hair like a crown,
Was no longer here with me though she still lay on feathered down.
Her breath had come harder and farther apart until she drew her last,
Then I knew she had gone forever - no longer my present but now my past.
No more comforting words would come from her gentle soothing voice,
No more words of encouragement could she give, but that was not her choice.
I turned away to be alone with my hurt and think of all that she had meant to me,
My heart shattered into pieces as tears flooded my eyes until I could barely see.
I felt a hole grow in my heart never to be filled again in the years I had to live,
No one on this earth could ever give me the love my granny had to give.
She was my oasis in a desert of loneliness and sadness as I grew to womanhood,
No matter what my situation granny always pointed out something good.
Remembering my granny has stayed with me through all these years that have passed by,
And when I think of her even now though many years have passed I still begin to cry.
I cry for the times I didn't tell her I loved her, times I had let carelessly slip away,
And even now that I am old and headed for my end I still vividly recall that day.
Granny I miss and love you more, I think now, than I did way back then,
But the time is fast approaching when we will hold each other once again.
© Norma Marek ~ 17th October 2002
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